How to use Bardeen < > Notion automations
| 2023-7-12
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Bardeen unlocks the new types of automations with Notion, where you can participate in an automation.
In this guide, you will learn how to use Bardeen with Notion.
To begin, we need to integrate Notion and connect your databases.
If you want to use pre-built automations, you will need to configure them before you run them.

1. Integrating Notion

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Let’s start with integrating Notion. It’s done from the Builder.
You can open it when customizing a pre-built Playbook or when creating one from scratch.
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Find the plus icon on the side panel and find Notion from the list of apps.
You will be redirected to Notion’s authentication window. Choose which pages to give access to. It’s best to give access to the entire workspace so that all of your databases are connected automatically.
Alternatively, you can grant or revoke access to individual Notion databases. Go to the desired database and add/remove “Bardeen” in the share settings.
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2. Playbook Configuration

If you want to use one of our pre-built Playbooks, you will need to configure it before you can run it.
In this step, we need to specify the database that will be used in the automation and map the data fields.
Playbook configuration is done in the Builder. Open the builder by hovering over a Playbook card.
Then find the Notion action and specify your Notion database.
Now, you need to map the data. Click on “custom field mapping” and map the data from the previous actions.


Customizing Playbooks to make it run your way

Conditional blocks

Conditional workflows allow you to create multiple paths based on a condition in your automation.
You can add condition blocks right in the Builder. To do this, click on the plus icon and then on New Condition.
Condition blocks have three arguments:
  1. Value to check. Ex: task title or assignee name.
  1. Evaluation Operator. Ex: contains or equals.
  1. Value to compare against. Ex: John.

Using filters

There are two ways to filter data that gets outputted by each action.
1. Inside actions
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2. Using conditional blocks
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How to scrape data to Notion

  • Waline
  • Valine